Meditation is a great way to relieve stress, empower ourselves, create mindfulness, realize our blessings, energize our day, sleep better. It's an overall peaceful experience. I'm now on 51 straight days of meditation. And I have incorporated meditation into my devotions and prayer time first thing every morning.
God tells us many times in the Bible to meditate on His word. So, that's why I have chosen to meditate during the special time I have already set aside for Him. Sometimes, my prayers are my meditation. Sometimes, I pick out something beautiful from the passage or devotion and meditate on that 1 word or phrase. Sometimes, I listen to a guided meditation. Whichever way I meditate, I use the InsightTimer app on my iPhone to either time or listen to the morning meditation. You can find out more about InsightTimer on their website. The countdown timer is free, and there are several free guided meditations and peaceful, relaxing music. They also have paid meditations as well if you want to go deeper and have more options.
I have been taking meditation classes and hope to be adding my own free devotional guided meditations to this site soon. Meditation doesn't have to be a rigid process with legs crossed on the floor. The only hand gesture I like to use is praying hands near my heart. We're on a road of self discovery and learning to forgive and love ourselves and others. It produces a healthy body and mind and a nearness to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We can meditate with our eyes closed. Or we can keep our eyes open using a candle or other object as a meditation focal point. We will get all of our senses involved, but breathing is a major focal point for myself as I'm sure it will be for you as well.
I'm confident that these meditations, regular time with God, and regular exercise are the reasons why my husband and I aren't on any medications. My husband is in his early 60s and I'm in my late 50s (60 is coming in a little over a year). All of our efforts keep us feeling young, relax us, reduce anxiety, reduce inflammation, help us recover from illnesses, losses, and injuries faster. Being grateful for each day makes a difference in how one feels and acts.
We are thankful to the Father that we don't have diabetes, depression, high blood pressure, or heart disease. We have arthritis, but our lifestyle keeps that under control - not prescription medication. We do have headaches, as I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, but again, home remedies and OTC medications help us get rid of those. Lifestyle has also reduced the frequency of headaches too. We've seen and heard how prescription meds affect people. They need more medication because of the medication they're taking for their health issues. We do not want to go there.
So, instead of needing medication to manage type 2 diabetes, we eat healthier and exercise so we don't get in the situation where we need the medication. Meditation helps with that, because it helps us accept these aging facts of life and necessary lifestyle changes. 😉
Have a blessed and peaceful day,
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