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Transcribe recovery talks

"Excellent work, communication, and timeliness. I would 100% hire Patricia again. Best hire yet!" ~ AAA (Recovery Talks)

Transcribe 7 Client Interviews

"Patricia did a wonderful job transcribing my client interviews. She was a pleasure to work with and I will hire her again as the need arises for a transcription specialist or proofreader! 10/10 would highly recommend leveraging Patricia's skillset!" ~ Kathryn F. (Surveying and Mapping)

Transcriber Needed for 45min Interview

"Patricia was friendly, professional, and timely. She completed the project ahead of schedule. She's also a great communicator. Patricia even took the time to proofread her work. I'd definitely recommend her for any transcriber job." ~ Angela J. (Magazine Articles)

YouTube Video needs to be transcribed

Patricia is a fantastic freelancer-- skilled, honest, timely, communicative and very professional. We are still working together and will continue to do so for the remainder of one project and the next!" ~ Silvia G. (Affordable Housing) Sadly, this client passed away December 20th, 2020 due to COVID complications.

Audio Transcription for Tech Company

"Patricia is fabulous and I look forward to working with her again in the future!" ~ Lindsey A. (Online Safety)

Transcription of Christian audio recordings

"It has been a great pleasure working on this project with Patricia. She is very efficient and adheres to schedule. Excellent job. And I will definitely use her services again." ~ Comfort (Sermons)

Transcribing 3 videos a week  into useable content for blogs and social media

"I've used Patricia many times and every single time she just amazes me with her enthusiasm and fantastic work. Thank you so much!" ~ Tracy N. (Life Coach)

Excel Entries, Article Summaries, and Other VA Work

"Patricia is a very competent, skilled, honest, conscientious freelancer. If she knows how to do a job better than you suggest, she will reach out and share with you her perspective. I deeply appreciate how quickly the work was done. More importantly, than speed for me is the fact that it was done with excellence. I have worked around the world with many people. My experiences have not always been positive. Therefore, I rated her with all five stars because the quality of her work is such that she deserves this high score! I am still working with Patricia and hope to do so for a while! Her attitude is superb!" (Affordable Housing) ~ Silvia G. Sadly, this client passed away December 20th, 2020 due to COVID complications.

Administrative Assistance

"Patricia is terrific. She is smart, intuitive, fast, and careful. Here great work ethic and positive attitude make working with her a real pleasure. She is a terrific hire! I will hire her again soon." ~Katherine D. (Charitable Contributions)


"Amazing as always thank you so much! :)" ~ Tracy N. (Life Coach) 

Transcribe Lectures for Online Christian Course

"You are truly the best at transcription! Appreciate you so much!" ~ Abby D. (Class Lectures)

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Being God's Ambassador: Meditation 4

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