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I have worked as a freelancer since 2014. During that time, I have had the privilege to work with many amazing women. My favorite types of work include transcribing, proofreading and editing, data entry, and retyping scanned documents.

If you are a busy woman and need any of these services, feel free to reach out to me via the contact form on the right side of this page. I'll be happy to discuss your pricing options and terms as listed below. I'm eager to take a few things off your plate and make your life less stressful. For your convenience, I have provided some testimonials from a few of my clients if you would like to read those. 


I was finally able to begin my dream job as a general transcriptionist/transcriber in October 2014. Some of the areas I have worked in the most include baby sleep coaching, art, internet security, ministry, Christian courses, interviews, health and wellness podcasts, marketing, and affordable housing. 

I would love to transcribe your clear audio and video files for you. All work is kept confidential. Price quotes are based on whether you need the work proofread or not, whether you require a faster or slower turnaround time, the number of speakers, and whether you need several or few timestamps. Please keep in mind that although you may require a faster turnaround time, you may need to wait for me to complete work for others who were already in that fast-turnaround queue prior to your contacting me.

If you can provide any terms or awkward names of people or businesses that I may not be familiar with, that is always welcome. Otherwise, those will be marked [inaudible] with a timestamp.

U.S. English is my native language. However, if your English is easy to understand whether from another English-speaking country or if you speak intelligible non-native English, I'm very happy to transcribe for you. However, all transcriptions will be submitted with U.S. spellings.

Files submitted with poor audio quality will be declined, and you will not be charged. To ensure you have the best audio quality, use reliable telephone recorders, conduct interviews in quiet areas instead of noisy locations such as restaurants whether on the phone or in person. Conduct Zoom calls, other calls, or personal dictation in a location where you will have few to no disturbances. Background noise, such as squeaky doors, people continuously walking by and talking, phones ringing, TV volume, babies crying in another room can cause a lot of audio disturbances.

Who Needs Transcription Services?

So, who needs a transcriptionist? Authors and journalists definitely need someone to transcribe their interviews and spoken notes. These days, everyone has a COVID story to tell. Maybe you have an inspiring story or a great how-to you want to share with the world. I’ll be happy to transcribe your recorded story so you can edit and publish it once that is completed.

Transcribed lectures help students to study. Podcast transcripts can be used as subtitles, as blog posts, or website downloads. The subtitles and downloads are great for deaf people and for those who do not have speakers or headphones. Readers can convert blog posts and web content to read in their own language. Using these for blog posts or website updates is perfect for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) so people can better find you in a browser search.

If you need a transcribed record of your speeches or sermons, I'm happy to help with those too as long as the congregation isn’t loud and the audio is easy to understand.

Transcription Prices

Basic pricing is provided in this section. Please be aware that prices may vary slightly based on the uniqueness of your files. 

Slower Turnaround Required

  • Base pay is $1.50 per minute for up to 3 speakers per file and 1 - 3 weeks turnaround time without proofreading.
  • Add .10 per minute for each additional speaker if there are more than 3 speakers in your file.
  • Add .05 per minute for requested timestamps. (Note: timestamps used for inaudible or overlapping speech will not be charged)
  • Add .25 per minute for proofreading.

Fast Turnaround Required

  • If you require a faster turnaround time (less than 1 week), the base pay is $2.00 per minute for up to 3 speakers per file without proofreading requirements.
  • Add. .20 per minute for each additional speaker if there are more than 3 speakers in your file.
  • Add .05 per minute for requested timestamps. (Note: timestamps used for inaudible or overlapping speech will not be charged)
  • Add .25 per minute for proofreading..

Retyping From Images or Scanned Documents

Do you have scanned documents you wish you could edit? I can help with that too. I’ll type clearly scanned documents for you so you can edit and format to your own satisfaction. Again, fees are based on fast or slow turnaround time and whether proofreading is required. And fees are due when we’re ready to start on your file. Any delay may cause you to return to the back of the queue. Base prices are included in this section; however, prices may vary based on your unique needs.

  • Fast turnaround (less than one week; up to 50 pages) without proofreading - $10 per 500 words
  • Fast turnaround (less than one week; up to 30 pages) with proofreading - $15.00 per 500 words
  • Slow turnaround (1-3 weeks; up to 50 pages) without proofreading - $5 per 500 words
  • Slow turnaround (1-3 weeks; up to 30 pages) with proofreading - $7.50 per 500 words
  • Prices do not include special formatting. These prices are for normal fonts, headings, and paragraphs. 
  • Additional fees may apply for special formatting. I reserve the right to omit special formatting such as tables, legal formatting, etc.

Data Entry

Data entry is possible given the following circumstances:
  • No research; data must be obtained from supplied documents or websites
  • Up to 10 columns
  • Fees are determined based on ease of finding the information on the document or website but a basic fee would be $5 per row for up to 10 columns.
  • Additional fees will apply if there are more than 10 columns or if information is not easy to locate.
Again, prices may vary based on the job requirements for your data entry projects.

Recording or Special Download Procedures

If your file can't be downloaded via the platform it is uploaded on such as Facebook or YouTube, I will have to either record the video file or download it via special software that I have purchased. Because of the time involved to record and the expense of the software, a small fee will apply.

  • If the file can be downloaded from the platform you supply, there is no charge.
  • If there is no way to download a file from the platform you have supplied, I will try to download using my software. This usually works with many of the most popular video sites, such as YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. If that works, the fee will be $2 per download regardless of the file size.
  • If the file can't be downloaded by either method mentioned above, then I will record the file. Keep in mind that most sites like Amazon Prime and Netflix have special codes that will not allow the videos to be recorded. However, the audio will usually record. Other sites may start to use these codes as well. Until then, I'm happy to record files prior to transcribing them. These will be used for transcription purposes only and will be deleted from my computer once the finished transcripts are approved by you - or within two weeks, whichever comes first. The fee to record these files for transcription is .10 cents per audio or video minute. 

Proofreading and Editing

Perhaps you have run your audio or video file through an AI/auto transcription service and you need to have it cleaned up. Fees are based on how much editing will be required. Sometimes the edits are more difficult to do than transcribing the files manually.

I'm also happy to proofread and edit blog posts, website posts, data entry performed by another vendor, emails, books prior to publication, publications that were written by anyone whose native language isn't English, and other business-related documents. 

Editing is done via your AI/auto transcription service, Word track changes and comments, Google Docs editing and comments, or PDF comments.

Base fees are $15 per 500 words. Prices will vary based on difficulty or ease of proofreading and editing. For a quote, contact me with either a web link or Google Doc so we can view the content. Or you may contact me and I will send you my email address for you to forward a Word document or PDF file to me for consideration. 


Payment is required when we are ready to record, download, transcribe, proofread, or perform your data entry. Any delay in payment may cause you to be placed in the back of the queue again. We currently accept payments via Paypal only. If you do not have a Paypal account, you may pay with your debit or credit card through Paypal’s guest services. Your personal payment link will be emailed to you.

Two Ways to Contact us

First, you may fill out the contact form on the right side of this page, and email it today. Prior to filling out the form, please upload your file to Dropbox or Google Drive and provide a shared link with us so we can listen to or view your file (if available). By filling out the form, you are agreeing to let us email you to discuss the work that you have requested from us. Once or twice a month, we may send out updates, reminders, or promotional information. Please let us know if you are not interested in receiving these newsletters.

Download our fillable PDF form, fill it out, and send it to us via the "Submit by Email" button provided right on the form. You may even be able to attach your file to the form as well. If the attached file is too large to send, just follow the instructions below before emailing the form to us. We will respond within 24 to 48 hours.

Information to include when using the contact form

  • Provide the link to the audio or video file in Dropbox, Google Drive, YouTube, or another online site.
  • Refer to the "Pricing" section above and let us know how fast you need your file (slow or quick is all we need to know).
  • List your other requirements from that list.

After Contacting Us

Work is delivered in U.S. eastern time via Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or in the body of an email. Work will be deleted after 14 days, so please confirm that you have received it.

I ask that all work be at least mostly free from profanity. If profanity is used, please be aware that where it isn’t necessary to complete a sentence, those word(s) will be omitted. In other cases, I reserve the right to substitute for another word or phrase.

I strive for 100% accuracy, but as a human, I may miss a few errors during proofreading (if requested). But I deliver 95% or better-quality work when proofreading is requested. Even if you don’t require proofreading, I strive to deliver quality work with as few errors as possible. All unclear speech is marked as [inaudible] or [overlapping speech] with a timestamp of the location that was unclear so you can fill those in after you receive your completed file.

Holiday Schedule 2021

In order to have time with my family during holidays, please see my current holiday schedule.

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