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At Peace in Our Mess: Meditation 2

Welcome to today's meditation - At Peace in Our Mess. Problems cause worry and anxiety. We should know by now that worrying definitely won't make problems go away. It just makes us sick. Consider, Luke 12:25, when Jesus said, "Can any of you add one moment to his life span by worrying?" Of course, we can't. So, we need to choose to find Joy and Peace in the midst of our problems (a.k.a. our messes) and let God handle everything that is going on. We can ask Him to let us know if we can do anything to make problems better or go away. Then we go on about our daily lives. Sometimes an answer will come; sometimes it won't. Often, problems go away; some won't. But life goes on despite the mess. Let's find that peace we want today. Our Scriptures today come from the Christian Standard Bible.

Listen to Meditation 2.

It's time to prepare for our meditation. First, grab your journal and get in your meditation seat. Start your soft, relaxing music/sounds if you want to. Have your tissues and water nearby. Comfy? Good. Now, slowly, breathe in and out. Inhale through your nose, letting your tummy rise. Gently exhale as if blowing through a straw, letting your tummy deflate. Do this 3 times. 

Let your body relax. Release the tension in your jaws and forehead, between your eyebrows, in your neck, throughout entire your body. Your shoulders should naturally rise and fall as you inhale and exhale. Let go of your problems for these next few minutes. During these few minutes, it's just you and me and God in a calm, peaceful, beautiful space. 

beautiful mess
image courtesy of Jené Stephaniuk via Unsplash
I call this beautiful mess, because we have to find beauty in our messes

Place your praying hands near your heart. Close your eyes if you're comfortable doing so. Today's meditation word is Jesus. Because Jesus is the most comforting name in the universe, the best anchor for our lives. Paul tells us in Romans 10:13, "For everyone [emphasis mine] who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Yes, saved from sin, the pits of hell. But let's also look at the definition of saved according to the Oxford Dictionary, who sums it up nicely. Saved means: [to] keep safe or rescue (someone or something) from harm or danger. Jesus has, indeed, rescued us. The name of Jesus makes us feel safe, helps us to trust, brings us peace. He is the Prince of Peace, after all. Circumstances may not change, but you're safe. Say His name to yourself as you breathe in. Gently breathe out the worry, the anxiety, the tension. Repeat this 3 times.

Now, think about the following verses as you continue to calmly breathe in and out. From Philippians 4:13, "I am able to do all things through [Jesus] who strengthens me." And Philippians 4:5-6, "The Lord is near. Don't worry about anything." And finally, Psalm 46:1 "God is our refuge and strength, a helper [emphasis mine] who is always found in times of trouble."

Like the tides in the oceans, problems ebb and flow in our lives. That doesn't mean we have to let those problems run our lives. Because unlike the ocean, we can control how we get through problems and circumstances that happen throughout our lives. We just call upon the name of Jesus anytime. Repeat this verse from John 16:32-33, "I am not alone, because the Father is with me. I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world." Inhale and exhale 3 times, repeating the name of Jesus once more.

I want to share part of the January 24th devotional from Jesus Calling (Sarah Young, (c) 2004, published by Thomas Nelson). I hope you will find it to be as comforting as I do. "My Peace is the treasure of treasures. I purchased this Peace for you with My blood. You receive this gift by trusting me in the midst of life's storms. Thank me when things do not go your way, because spiritual blessings come wrapped in trials." Now, reflect on James 1:2-3 for a moment. This is one of my favorite verses to help me through life. "Consider it a great joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you experience various trials, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its full effect, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing." Jesus' brother, James, is teaching us to understand that we are learning as we go through trials, through the messiness of life. Each one becomes easier as we practice this. God's helping you to become stronger as you work through these trials. He's training us to call upon Him and His Loving Son, to trust Them.

So, let's breathe in the name of Jesus and His gift of peace 3 more times, and breathe out those worries, anxieties, and tensions. Slowly open your eyes. Place your hands on your lap. Tap each finger one at a time on your legs. Welcome back. Remain present; our Heavenly Father and Jesus are still with you. If you find your Peace slipping away today, repeat the name of Jesus to pull that Peace back in as you slowly breathe in and out. His name and your purposeful breathing should calm, comfort, and anchor to help you maintain Peace in your mess. 

For many of life's problems, this quote from Charles R. Swindoll may be helpful to remember:

Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. 

organized mess
image courtesy of Jessica Lee via Unsplash
Perhaps an organized mess, if you will, that makes us feel more peaceful. 😇

I realize there are problems, however, that are more difficult for some of you. So, if these problems are more than you can bear, please seek medical help immediately. There are experts who can help you. And God has given them special talents and training, so it's okay to let them help you. 

It's time to take a few sips of water and begin journaling.

  1. Write down today's date and the title of our meditation today - At Peace in Our Mess.
  2. Write down the positive quote, Bible verses, and the definition of "saved" from today's meditation.
  3. Do you feel Jesus and God are now with you? Do you feel more peaceful?
  4. If not, what is standing in your way? Do you need medical help as well? If so, then by all means, do so.
When you're finished writing in your journal, please watch and listen to the YouTube videos I've embedded below - My Jesus by Anne Wilson and Heaven Help Me by Zach Williams. I think they go well with today's meditation.

Song: My Jesus

Song: Heaven Help Me

Radiate love, and sparkle for the Peace of Christ. Glory to God in Heaven.

Praying you'll find your well-deserved peace today,



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