Helping other women is something God has called me to do. That is why I started this blog over 3 years ago. I want you to realize you're loved by our Heavenly Father no matter how bleak things are at the moment. Maybe you were afraid during the pandemic - or just bored. I hope that reading this blog helped you in some way and continues to help you. Because life still throws things at us even if the world seems to have returned to "normal".
Now that the pandemic is "over", troubles, pain, sorrow, and worries still lurk. I'm still going to be here for a long, long time, sharing as much as I can with you. From teaching you how to make an easy side dish to reminding you how much God, as Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit, loves you.
Today, I wrote the first of what's going to be a long memoir about our dearly loved and missed cat, Cleo. As much as my heart is breaking for her, my heart breaks more for this broken world. I wake up each morning missing Cleo, but I also know we did what had to be done to stop her suffering. And that's my goal for you too. Regardless of how sad I am, I still thank God for each day, knowing that He still loves me, joyful about the time we had with our sweet angel, and the happiness she brought to our family. Positive thoughts are key to that good relationship we seek to have with the Holy Trinity.
But with this sorrow I carry in my heart for Cleo at this time, I am reminded that Christ suffered far worse for our sakes so that we don't have to have ongoing sorrow, so we can find joy amongst the carnage of life, so we have a place in Heaven after our death on this earth. He will pull us out of the train wreck of our lives. All we have to do is TRUST.
Trust is hard to find in today's world. But that's my secret to living an enjoyable life. I trust that God will bring me through each day. That's a very positive thought. That trust has helped me to love life. I was actually raised to hate life, disrespect others, and be miserable. That trust in God has changed me into a person who loves life now, overcomes misery, and respects others. Other people matter too! I trust God to take care of me so I can reach out to help women - like you - who are looking for a little help with something in your own life. I can't help you with your problems, but I can help you find the One who can. And maybe along the way of learning how to keep Christ in your heart (and remembering that you're always in His), you'll find something else you can use, such as a recipe, how to easily start a website, or learn a new craft. So, come on in! Let's turn your world sunny-side-up.
I keep the sign, below, in front of me at my desk right now. After all, life doesn't stop just because I'm mourning the loss of our cat. Because although problems don't come to a halt, the timing is better now than they would have been 2 weeks ago. God really is handling all of my problems. And He's handling yours too!
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