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Lose Belly Fat While Sitting

The next video I want to share with you involves exercises to lose belly fat while sitting. What! 😲 I've been doing this one for the past week. Again, we're just trying to get into routines that we can mix up a bit. And we want to have fun. Last week, we started our sit and pedal exercises. Now, we'll work in some easy chair exercises. Soon, we'll work into some better eating habits. The point is, we want to make some FUN lifestyle changes that will make us feel stronger, motivated, and energetic. So, focus on that. We're not doing this to lose weight or inches. But that will likely happen anyway. So, win-win, right! 

Sit and Exercise
Image courtesy of Sarah Dorweiler via Unsplash

In today's video, Coach Natasha is teaching us 5 sitting exercises that will help us lose belly fat. These are 5 exercises we can do in only 5 minutes! Coach Natasha offers longer belly fat-burning sitting workouts in other videos. Again, as mentioned last week,  repeating these exercises up to 2 more times each day will have healthier benefits, and you will get faster results than doing these only 1 time per day. Slowly work up to 3 times a day, of course. And never do any exercise that hurts you. For example, I won't do exercised that hurt my hips. I'm actually reading a book right now called Prisoners Without Bars that is about a healthy man who did one more pullup than he should have. His wife tells the story of the struggles they had when that desire to do "just one more" was too much and their journey back from the brain injury he incurred from pushing himself too hard. I just want us to do something low impact and fun that will help us feel better - not injure or kill us.

As many of you may know, belly fat is what causes health problems such as Type 2 Diabetes. And Type 2 Diabetes has a number of health-related risks in and of itself. Currently, I'm not on any prescription medications - and I'm 58 years old! My plan is to stay off prescription meds for as long as possible. Right now, I'm inching into the waistline crisis, though, so that is where my main focus is. I was telling family and friends only a couple of weeks ago that I'm not ready to sit down and grow old. So, I'm focusing on that aspect of my life. I feel that I still have a lot to offer, and I need to be healthy to do it. And since most of my jobs require so much sitting, I need to nip these health issues before they even happen. I think you should also know that I do get up and walk to one end of the house and back several times a day as well.

I'm choosing these sitting exercises, though, because I think they're easier for everyone to do regardless of age, weight, arthritis, balance risks, mobility issues, or other health problems. And although, we're sitting for these exercises, they can become strenuous. So, always get your doctor's approval before starting these or any other exercise and diet routine. 


Have a healthful day in our Lord, Jesus Christ,



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