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Jobs Posted on LinkedIn

I thought of 1 more work-from-home post that I need to share. If you aren't aware, businesses post job openings on LinkedIn. So, if you don't have a LinkedIn account or haven't visited your account for a while, there are always several job offers there - remote if you want to work from home, as well as hybrid and on-site if you don't mind commuting to work. You can choose your country or local businesses for remote work or local businesses only for hybrid and on-site jobs. You'll still get a mixture of all 3 choices - remote, hybrid, and on-site - but mostly your preferred working style. You'll also be able to choose the type of work you're interested in, such as web design.

If you are just now registering for a LinkedIn account, all of this will be asked upon registration. If you already have an account or want to make changes after creating your account, you simply have to click on the "Me" section at the top of the LinkedIn page (signed in). In the dropdown window, click "Settings and Privacy". On the next page that pops up, you will see "Profile Information > Name, location, and industry" to add the information necessary to see job openings in your preferred industry. 

Now, in the left side bar, you will click on "Notifications". On that page, you will see "Notifications You Receive". Click on "Searching for a Job" and be sure the toggle is set to "On" on the next page that comes up. While you're in "Notifications You Receive", you might as well select other notifications you want to receive. Don't worry; you'll never have more than 25 notifications to delete if you don't have time to check those but once a week or so.

New jobs will start showing up in the "Notifications" section at the top of your dashboard now. You'll also have a "Jobs" section at the top of the page. This is a great section when you're looking for a job, because now, you will have not only job postings, but you can also type in another specific type of job to narrow the job feed better. If you type in the job such as, "Transcription", "Data Entry", or "Website Builder", it will automatically load those types of jobs for the entire United States - or perhaps whatever country you're in. You can also get more specific and type in the city, state, and zip code you're looking to work in locally. 

From here, you can also filter remote only, hybrid only, or on-site only, salary, experience level, and more. To get out of the filtered section, click on "Home" at the top of the page and click on "Jobs" at the top of the page again. You're going to see a list on the left side of that page that will help you land a job on LinkedIn - or even outside of LinkedIn. See the list below. Here, you can see the jobs you have saved, your preferences, and demonstrate your skills, which has more information on how to do that when you click on that. Interview prep shows you the most popular questions that are asked during interviews so you can prepare your answers. The resume builder guides you through creating a resume from scratch or uploading and improving one you may already have. Job seeker guidance has tons of informative articles to help you land a job. Application settings is information you want to send to employers when you apply to jobs. I have 3 resumes to highlight each of my skills - 1 for transcribing, 1 for data entry, and 1 for proofreading.

LinkedIn job services
image courtesy of LinkedIn

When you're ready, you can click "Apply" on any job that interests you on LinkedIn. Most will allow you to apply within LinkedIn. Some may take you to their website to apply. Again, you can download and use your professional resume to apply for a job anywhere. Sometimes, even Upwork clients request a resume. Either way, LinkedIn makes it easy to prepare you for your journey.

Besides these obvious ways I've explained about job searches above, there are many other ways to grab employers' attention, such as impressive posts and profile information. Follow companies that interest you. They may notice you in return!

Happy job hunting,




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