People are hurting all around the world. The hungry, people living in war-torn regions, those who are caught up in human trafficking, and people who feel unloved for any reason are just a few examples of hurting people. How can you shine brightly for these people in need?
To begin, you can say a prayer for them. Then ask God to lead your heart to find out if He wants you to do more. Can you donate time, food, clothes, or money? Your name may never be known to these people, but they will be forever grateful to you for your help - and to God for sending that help through your efforts.
From that point, these hurting people will know God's love. Because God works through us to get to these people who are experiencing these hardships. God shines through us. And His love through us and in us is the beginning of leading others to Him.
Daniel 12:3 NLT says: "Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever." Our kind acts should bring glory to God and not to ourselves. Because what God has given to us, we can give to others. We wouldn't have any wisdom or kindness if it weren't for Him.
Jesus, our Savior, died to save our souls from eternal damnation. That's the most loving sacrifice anyone could do for us. He did it because He loves us all. So, how can we, as His followers, the ones He died for, deny fellow humans who are in need? Can you sacrifice a little time, a little money to show this love to others? It doesn't have to be much. A little bit will go further than you may realize. In the Gospels, we learn how Jesus fed the multitude with only a few fish and a few loaves of bread. And He can do the same with what you're able to give.
God bless you,
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