Revelation 3:7 tells us that the One who is Holy and True (Jesus) opens what no one can close and that what he closes no one can open. My NLT study Bible says that the open door means that salvation is assured, and the closed door means judgment is certain. There is no going back once that door is closed. So, please go through that open door of salvation while there's still time.

Image courtesy of Cristina Gottardi via Unsplash
The door will be open only for a while longer. Once that door is closed either by your earthly death or until the Holy Spirit stops calling you, it cannot be opened again. God has promised all of us a spiritual resurrection after death on this earth. He is inviting all of us to live with him in heaven where there will be no more sorrow, no more pain, no more tears, no more disappointments. To ignore His invitation means your soul will live on in the fiery pits of hell with continuous sorrow, pain, tears, disappointments, and regrets.
The devil is lying when he tells you that you have plenty of time (nobody knows when they'll die so don't risk it) or that there is no God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, heaven, or life after death. Stop listening to Satan's lies. To listen to him means constant and everlasting misery.
Jesus Christ died a horrible death on a cross to save our souls from the eternal burning pit that was created for the devil and his demons. But his followers - those who listen to his destructive lies - will burn with him.
Won't you come today? Just as you are. God will come to you. He's never far away no matter what the devil tells you. God wants you no matter the circumstances you're in. ALL are welcome. Nothing you have done can separate you from God except for NOT accepting his invitation from the Holy Spirit to believe in the Son, Jesus Christ and to live the life He created for you. Jesus will take on your burdens. God will provide joy. The Holy Spirit will guide you.
Just get down on your knees and say
this prayer that I provided at the end of the Revelation of our Times post. You don't have to be at a church altar. Any place will do. When the Holy Spirit tugs at your heart, just answer with the prayer. God loves you. He gave His only Son's life as a sacrifice. Jesus loves you. He accepted that call to sacrifice His life for yours. His Spirit loves you. He lives in us once we accept Him as our Savior regardless of the mess that's there. He'll help you move out what's bad and move in what's good.
Who am I to tell you these things? I'm nobody special. But God has me on a mission to use my blogging and other writing interests to bring people to him. His sheep are being led to the slaughter house by the devil's lies, and He has asked me to help his sheep find their way to Him so that they may live. Listen to
Casting Crowns sing the song Nobody. He can use you too.
God bless you,
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