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Happy Moments in Life

This morning I want to share one of the happy moments in life from this past week. Not that I believe money buys happiness or that you have to buy things to make you happy. But I am a crafter by nature, and I do love to look at pretty things. Having a craft to work on and having something pretty to look at makes me feel blessed and joyful. Below are a few of the things that I got this past week that will continue to remind me of my blessings each day - happy moments that were supplied from God above.

I received a Hobby Lobby gift card for Mother's Day so off I went Tuesday to find some goodies. The fabric and engraving art set were 40% off. The donut maker was 50% off. My son and I walked down to TJ Maxx in the same shopping center where I found the adorable butterfly mug for only $3.99!

Happy Moments Butterfly Mug
Butterflies coffee/tea cup

Happy Moments Donut Maker
Mini donut maker

Happy Moments Engraving
Hummingbirds engraving art

Happy Moments Fabric
Butterflies and paint spatter print fabric

Other happy moments to come

I always have another future project at my fingertips. Below you'll see craft projects I just received as gifts and a fraction of cheater quilt projects that I pulled from a closet to work on at some point in time. From macrame to cross stitch, paint by number to freehand painting, pieced quilting to cheater quilts, latch hooking to mosaic art, I have quite a stash. I think that the work I enjoy (transcribing and proofreading), my daily work around the house (cooking, cleaning, laundry, taking care of the cat, mowing, washing dishes, important phone calls), reading a good book, blogging, writing my own books, daily devotions, prayer, and having a craft project to work on help me stay sane.

Other Mother's Day 2022 craft gifts

Next cheater quilt projects

More cheater quilt projects

Happy Moments Quilt in Progress
Binding the current cheater quilt project

Blessings from all work

I don't do everything every day of course, but I do have a full day everyday doing something. I think if you aren't keeping your mind occupied by being productive, negative thoughts slip in to ruin your life and your happiness. God knows how many negative things we could focus on if he weren't providing productive outlets for positive thoughts instead. Housework and occupational work are blessings just as much as hobbies. So, do them all with joyful expectations. Because all are gifts from our Heavenly Father.

May you always experience these blessings from above,



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