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Download Software for Transcription

As I mentioned early on in this transcribing series, you need an audio or a video file to use in your transcribing software. The last time we visited, I discussed text expander software with you. This week, I'll talk about free and inexpensive download software for transcription. However, you may find that all of this is useful for personal reasons as well. So, let's get started!

YouTube Dowload Software

Ummy is one of my go-to YouTube downloaders. They allow you to download a trial version to check it out before buying. If you like it, it costs $39.99 for a lifetime license. So, no annual renewal fees! Download YouTube videos and music in multiple formats so you’ll be ready to transcribe as soon as the download is complete. It’s very easy to use too! According to their blog, this also works for and Dailymotion.

I also use 4KVideo Downloader. It’s easy to use as well. They offer a free version that allows you to download 1 file at a time and up to 30 files per day. That’s pretty generous and allows more than I would ever need to use it for. The paid versions allow multiple downloads, which differs depending on which upgrade you buy. With the paid versions, you also get unlimited downloads per day. This is also a one-time purchase of the version you choose, so there are, again, no annual subscription fees to pay.

4K Download Software for Transcription

Free YouTube Download appears to be a very popular one. They claim to download lightning fast along with other quality features. All free! So, this one that might be worth trying.

If you search for “free YouTube downloader”, you’ll find several of these types of programs - simply too many to list here.

Multi-Site Download Software

Freemake has the capability to download from all the top sites including YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, Flickr, Dailymotion and many more. It’s free! I’ve never used Freemake for this purpose, but it will suit many download needs.

Online Video Downloader, on the other hand, doesn’t require you to install a program on your computer. Just paste the link where prompted and download your file. They claim you can download from hundreds of locations.

Keepvid is another one that doesn’t require a program install on your pc. And again, they claim that you can download from hundreds of sites.

Search for “online video downloader” or “video downloader” to find more of these types of downloaders.

A Word of Caution

Just be sure you trust the sites you’re downloading from or installing download software for transcription from. You don’t want to infect your computer, phone, tablet, etc. Do some extra research if necessary to make sure you’re protecting your expensive investments.

Transcribe Like a Pro

If you’re enjoying these work-from-home and professional transcription posts, you might also enjoy my book, Transcribe Like a Pro: Making Money from Home. I wrote it to pair with these posts. It includes information that I think is helpful for new to seasoned transcribers. It’s available on Amazon in digital format for $9.99 (or free if you have Kindle Unlimited) and in paperback for $14.99.

In the book, I explain what types of people are looking for transcriptionists and where to find work. I’ve provided a list of vocabulary most commonly used as well as checklists for each criteria discussed in the book.

After reading the book, I would very much love for you to leave an Amazon review. I’m trying to help as many people as possible break into this business. Because as I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, the need for transcriptionists is on the rise. And I think this is a great way to help others who are seeking work amidst a long pandemic recovery. The more reviews, the easier it will be for others to find the book. My hope is that you will find it praiseworthy.

If you know a woman who is looking for work, needs a second income, or just wants some extra spending cash, send them to this site or buy them Transcribe Like a Pro: Making Money from Home as a gift.

More work-from-home posts are on the way. So, continue to check back frequently. Better yet, make sure you don’t miss a thing by signing up on the right side of the page to receive my newsletters. Have a blessed day and stay safe.


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